It's like an old French horror movie, with great sound, without monsters.
It's slow but not boring, with simple explanations and design as if it had been made by an architect. Simple ideas such as physical attraction and biology.
And so I use this product for tonight's party. I use it for both stimulation and relaxation; and it has a great effect. Without any kind of inhibitions I start acting rude, very rude. Spitting on my old friend's face, throwing things at them, and the climax arrived as I focused on myself and sat down to enjoy the music provided by this wonderful product. If this is it I want more.
3 comentarios:
define, surrealismo: movimiento literario y artístico de los años 20 y 30 que intenta expresar el pensamiento puro con exclusión de toda lógica o preocupación ética; los surrealistas buscaban sobrepasar la realidad convencional para explorar los límites entre lo racional y lo irracional.
texto: TheTangleBox
imagen: Kathie Olivas
Dicen que el abuso exesivo, (asi se escribe), provoca severos daños...tendre que hacer la prueba, a tiempo real, a ver en que me afecta o me beneficia...
Saludos, que estes bien...Buen Año 2007, y Feliz dia de reyes...
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